Kotor 2 Handmaiden Influence

Kotor 2 Handmaiden Influence

Star wars kotor 2 handmaiden influence guide
Feb 25, 2005, 01:43 PM

For example, repairing the various droids or breaking Hanharr's will in KOTOR 2 yields some free stats, or sparring with the handmaiden yielding the Battle Precognition feat that adds a Wisdom bonus to Defense. I used the savegame editor to set Handmaiden's influence as MUCH higher than Visas. And Handmaiden STILL won't talk to me.edit. set Handmaiden's Influence at 100, Visas at ZERO. Handmaiden's appearance changed, but I still get the same stupid dialogue options. Storage cleaner. All of which end in 'This is the end for us.' Or 'Stay with her then. Dmg file is bigger than converted iso size. ' Fxpansion geist 1.


Kotor 2 Handmaiden Influence Visas

After Handmaiden talked to me about how i trust Visas more than her (or something like that), everytime I talk to her, she just says 'There is nothing for us to discuss.' and the conversation ends.
This has been going on since the end of the first planet I've been to(nar shadaa), and since then I've finished Dantooine, and I'm already on Onderon. She STILL won't talk to me.
So my question is, will I ever be able to talk to her? (I'd like to make her a Jedi) Or will she remain this way?