Dolby 5.1.2 Speaker Placement

**How to Set Up Your Home Theater System**

To create an optimal sound system, familiarize yourself with the role and position of each speaker. Choose a central seating point and angle your speakers at it, keeping them at your ear height when you are seated, unless noted otherwise.

**Fine-Tuning Your Speakers**

No two rooms are alike. To experience your system at its best, you might need to fine-tune your setup after some initial listening. Here are a few tips.

Use this step-by-step guide to optimize your home theater with 5.1.2 overhead speakers enabled with Dolby Atmos. Experience your entertainment in premium Dolby sound. Cookie Notice We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. A 5.1.2 Atmos setup with left and right ceiling speakers (number 6 on diagram). Another 5.1.2 Atmos setup, this one with left and right Atmos-enabled speakers (number 2 on diagram). To begin with, unlike a speaker system’s center and surround back channels, Atmos speakers are always added in pairs.

**A Clear Path**

Create a clear path between you and your speakers. If you can’t see the speaker, sound is being blocked.


Don’t be afraid to experiment with small adjustments and re-positioning to boost sound quality.

Room Acoustics

You can achieve a more balanced sound by minimizing bare walls and floors.

**Speaker Position **

The floor standing speaker positions can also be mirrored as in-wall speakers.

Is 5.1.2 Atmos Worth It

The configurations noted in this speaker setup guide are illustrative.

Dolby Atmos 5.1.2

5.1 Home Theater Speaker Placement

5.1.2 Dolby Atmos Enabled Speaker Placement

Optimize your sound system that includes Dolby Atmos technology with this step-by-step guide to the best speaker setup.


5.1.2 Atmos Home Theater Overhead Speaker Placement

Side view of a 5.1.2 setup

5.1.4 Dolby Atmos Enabled Speaker Placement

5.1.4 Atmos Home Theater Overhead Speaker Placement

**Side view of 5.1.4 setup**

7.1 Home Theater Speaker Placement

7.1.2 Dolby Atmos Home Theater Overhead Speaker Placement

7.1.4 Dolby Atmos Home Theater Overhead Speaker Placement

7.1.6 Dolby Atmos Home Theater Overhead Speaker Placement

Stop by our Vancouver Showroom to see hear Dolby Atmos.

A 5.1.2 system uses 2 ceiling speakers in additional to a basic 5.1 system. For the requirement of 5.1.2 ceiling speakers, they are not easy to fit for apartment but better for house.

For the 5.1.2 system, it consists of:

Item #DescriptionRemarks1Surround Sound Processor / AMP2Center Speaker1 setSpeakers3Left / Right Speaker1 for each side (L/R)4Left / Right Surround Speaker1 for each side (L/R)5Left / Right Ceiling Speaker1 for each side (L/R)6Subwoofer1 set

NOTES: for items 2-4, they are totally 5 normal speakers as 5 with the subwoofer as the “.1” and final “.2” refers to 2 additional speakers in-ceiling.

Let’s take a look on the floor-plan of the 5.1.2 theater.

The installation suggestion is based on the information available from the Dolby Lab. With our experience, it should be fine-tuned for every listening room. The key is the positioning as the angle of the speaker position and the physical height of the speakers.

Dolby Atmos 5.1.2 Setup Guide

To take an example, a room with wooden wall should be sounded very well. Further adjustment will be necessary for a brick wall. In order to build the best-fit system, you need to set your height and position of each speaker with the help of the AV system. Then, you have to compare the effects when sitting down at your seat by playing the same track until the most comfortable one.

Also, the 3-D plan is being shown below:

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5.1.2 Surround SystemHome TheaterSpeaker Positioning

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