Grinnell Piano Serial Numbers

Older Valuation

Playtona mfg by Straube for Grinnell Brothers. Straube Piano Company & Straube Pianos Inc. Serial numbers Notes: In 1954, the Hammond Organ Co. Acquired the Everett and Cable Nelson names and also started building Hammond pianos. These Hammond Pianos. Merrick Rogers, 25, a taxi driver, was jailed for life in June 2000. The trial at Canterbury CC heard that Claire, who had an eight year old son, Ben, had spent the night out with Rogers. Unbeknown to her he was a serial sex attacker who had raped one woman and attacked two others in the previous five months.

Got a nice Grinnell Piano from Facebook!! Score of the Year!! Plus some free Computer Monitors for Scrapping!! Plus The Alpena Michigan Weather. Copyright © 2018 Johnson Controls. All Rights Reserved Toll Free: 800-558-5236 Tel: +1-401-781-8220 Privacy Policy Terms of Sale CareersPrivacy Policy. These pianos were made by Steger Piano Co with Singer Piano serial numbers. The center of the face panel moves in and out to hold up the music books. 1915 Grinnell Bros, Leonard 54' Upright Piano, s/n 14364, Made in USA (Detroit), Dark Tiger Oak Finish, New Keytops. Copper wound bass strings.

This Calculator is specifically designed for Older Upright Pianos (made pre 1970), providing several tailored options to uniquely identify your pianos potential Market Value (Price Range).

STEP 1. Select your Piano’s Brand

Select the drop down list and begin typing your brand or simply scroll through and select from over 8,000 different brands. Alternatively you can choose your pianos Brand Quality Rating.

STEP 2. Measure & Select Your Upright Piano Size

The measurement required here is your Piano’s Height from the ground up to the top most edge.
STEP 3. Choose Your Pianos Year of Manufacture & condition
The general condition of your instrument is considered relative to it’s age. The condition may relate to both the internal and external aspects which will impact the pianos visual appeal, playability and overall value. “Normal Condition” is the default setting for most pianos.

STEP 4. Select your local Currency and Press “Calculate”

Upright Piano Value Modern

This Modern Valuation calculator is designed for Uprights made after 1970 but also provides results for Pianos manufactured as far back as 1950. Each calculation accesses unique valuation data from your Pianos specific Model, Age and condition criteria. Select from over 2000 different models currently sold worldwide and tailor these results to calculate a clear Market Value Price Range.

STEP 1. Select Your Pianos Brand

Choose from 75 Popular Piano Brands with Over 2000 Different Models Currently for sale. If your brand isn’t listed then you can simply select your Pianos Quality Rating.

STEP 2. Choose the Piano Model Most Similar to Yours

Some Piano Brands change their Model numbers every few years while others have remained unchanged for decades. Most importantly is selecting a model of similar size… which you can scroll through to find. If you’ve chosen a specific brand quality then the option provided is to select the pianos size.

STEP 3. Select Your Piano’s Age & Condition

Your Piano’s Year of Manufacture combined with it’s current condition ensures the valuation calculated is estimated accurately.

STEP 4. Choose your Local Currency & Press Calculate



According to statistics gathered from our piano appraisal data, there is a significant link between a pianos size and a pianos potential market value. These price variations are due to several factors in the pianos change of quality, sound and performance from smaller models to larger pianos of the same brand.

Grinnell brothers piano serial numbersPianoPiano

When it comes to selling your piano, it’s important to know exactly what the market value of your specific sized piano. In some instances there can be thousands of dollars difference in the price of the same Brand made in the same year that’s only a few inches larger.


According to statistics gathered from our piano appraisal data, there is a significant link between a pianos size and a pianos potential market value. These price variations are due to several factors in the pianos change of quality, sound and performance from smaller models to larger pianos of the same brand.

Grinnell Bros Piano Serial Number

When it comes to selling your piano, it’s important to know exactly what the market value of your specific sized piano. In some instances there can be thousands of dollars difference in the price of the same Brand made in the same year that’s only a few inches larger.


Discover Your Pianos Current Market Value So You Can Sell It For The Best Possible Price



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Grinnell Bros Piano Serial Numbers

We were looking to purchase a Baby Grand Piano late last year but didn’t have any idea what we should expect to pay. After finding this site, we began by cross referencing all the pianos we were looking at with the valuation calculators. We quickly worked out which pianos were over priced or good value. It actually took the stress out of the whole buying process and we got a really good deal.

Sharni Limsal
Massachusetts, USA

I spent over 3 hours last night looking for some basic information about how much I should sell my small upright piano for. It wasn’t till I stumbled across your Piano Calculator website that I finally got some answers. After signing up to your membership I discovered my Piano’s actually worth a lot more than expected. It was well worth finding out now rather than later…

John Grassie
Manchester, UK

Grinnell Piano Serial Numbers